Spring is the time when hummingbirds migrate from their winter home to breeding grounds in the United States and Canada. You can use this tracking map to know when they’re coming in your area.
About two weeks before they arrive, start feeding them using this hummingbird sugar water recipe so they are ready when they arrive.

hummingbird migration map
Where is the hummingbird now?
This map (below) will be updated as hummingbirds are sighted during spring migration in the United States and Canada.
Click on the map (+) to zoom in on your area. Wait some time for the map to load.
Then click on any bird and a pop-up will display the date the bird was sighted.
Is it in your area or coming soon?
Did you know that hummingbirds fly alone (rather than in flocks)? Amazing birds!
The map will be updated daily during migration season, so bookmark this page to keep track of progress.
When it’s about a week or two away, take the feeder outside.
Migration of the white-throated hummingbird
When will hummingbirds show up in my area?
This shows the estimated arrival date of the White-throated Hummingbird based on previous year’s tracking data.

If you look at the map, you’ll see that they start arriving in the southern United States in southern Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida from late February to mid-March. Some individuals may have overwintered in the south.
By early April, sightings have been reported as far north as Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee, South Carolina and North Carolina.
Mid-April brings sightings in Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, and Indiana.
By late April, they have arrived in Nebraska, Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and parts of New England.
North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Maine, Vermont, and Canadian provinces such as Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan, as well as New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.
Several different species can be found on the West Coast, including the Anna’s hummingbird and the Rufous hummingbird.
See photos and list of hummingbird species below.
In the fall, hummingbirds begin returning to warmer climates in the south. This includes details about their fall migration.
Hummingbird Tips and Resources
hummingbird seeds
These are some of the hummingbird species found in Canada and the United States. More than 360 species have been identified worldwide. Estimates vary, but about 25 species occur in the United States, about 10 of which spread to Canada, and a few make their way to Alaska for summer breeding.
Much of what we know relies on citizen sightings and identification. This means that you will have a wealth of sightings with some identification errors. These small birds move quickly, so seeing them once may be all we have to do.
It’s also easy to confuse the different species unless you’ve studied them well. This is especially true for immature birds and females of some hummingbird species. These may look very similar.
Moreover, like other migratory birds, some species appear in the most unexpected places. So if you find one that looks different in either color or size, keep in mind that it could be a rare vagrant.

white-throated hummingbird
Archilochus colubris
Summer breeding:
Canada (east of the Rocky Mountains)
USA – winter in eastern Florida, Mexico, Central America
interesting: Largest population of all hummingbird species: 35 million (current estimate)
Learn more: All about birds

allen’s hummingbird
Cerasphorus sacin
Summer breeding:
USA – California coast, Oregon, Texas Mexican winter, Louisiana
Interesting: After mating, males and females live in different habitats.
Learn more: All about birds

anna’s hummingbird
Calypte Anna
Summer breeding:
Canada – Occasionally seen in western and eastern Canada
United States – Pacific Northwest, California, Arizona Winter – Often permanent within range
Interesting point: Anna is the most northern hummingbird that stays in place year-round. Over the past century, its range has progressed northward.
Learn more: All about birds

black-chinned hummingbird
Archilochus Alexandri
Summer breeding:
Canada – Southern British Columbia, Alberta
United States – Western and Southwestern United States Winter in Southern California, Gulf Coast, Arizona, Texas, and Mexico
Interesting: The oldest known black-throated hummingbird lived more than 11 years.
Learn more: All about birds

Blue-rumped hummingbird
Lampornis clemensiae
Summer breeding:
USA – Arizona, New Mexico, Texas Winter in the same southern region
Interesting: Adult Blue-rumped Hummingbirds are one of the largest hummingbirds, growing up to 5 inches long and weighing up to 10 grams.
Learn more: Wikipedia

dogwood hummingbird
Cynanthus latirostris
Summer breeding:
United States – Southwest States Mexico Winter
Interesting: The male flies like a pendulum over the female during heat, attracting her attention.
Learn more: All about birds

long-tailed hummingbird
Selasphorus platycercus
Summer breeding:
United States – California Mountains, Rocky Mountains, and other western states Winter in Mexico
Interesting: Makes a vocal sound like “chi-chi-chi-chi.”
Learn more: Birdsofttheworld.org

buff-bellied hummingbird
Amazilia yukatanensis
Summer breeding:
USA – Winter Gulf Coast area of southern Texas and Louisiana
Interestingly, the vocalization sounds like “tsi-we”.
Learn more: All about birds

calliope hummingbird
Stella Calliope
Summer breeding:
Canada – Western Canada
United States – California, mountainous northwestern United States, Colorado, Nevada, Arizona winter in the southwestern United States, Mexico, Central America
Interesting: the smallest bird breeding in Canada
Learn more: All about birds
Costa’s hummingbird
Calypte Coste
Summer breeding:
Canada – Rare sightings in western Canada
United States – Southwest America Winter in Mexico
Interestingly, males make high-pitched whistling sounds when trying to lure females.
Learn more: All about birds

Hummingbird of Rivoli
Eugenes Fulgens
Summer breeding:
USA – Texas, Arizona, New Mexico Winter in Mexico
Interesting: Highest heart rate of any vertebrate (420-1200 beats per minute).
Learn more: All about birds

rufus hummingbird
Cerasphorus Rufus
Summer breeding:
Canada – Western British Columbia
United States – Western United States, Alaska Winter in Mexico
What’s interesting: They have one of the longest migratory routes of any bird. Twice a year, he travels 3,900 miles between Alaska and Mexico.
Learn more: All about birds
Recommended feeder
Hummingbirds may arrive in your area before they are marked on the map, so prepare your feeders about two weeks before their expected arrival date.
No feeder is perfect, but this is the best I’ve found.

Hummingbird feeder | Amazon
Ant moat | Amazon | If there is a possibility that ants will invade your feeder, provide an ant moat as well.
I have several feeders so I can always keep at least one active while cleaning the others.
Notable features of the feeder
This feeder is easy to disassemble and clean. A thin brush made for cleaning straws is a good choice for cleaning the spout. A perch for hummingbirds to rest while eating. A basin that blocks sunlight and holds a suitable amount of sugar water. Serving small amounts of fresh food more frequently means less waste. If you choose a bottle-shaped feeder, look for a glass bottle, which will last much longer than plastic.
This shows you how to make sugar water for hummingbirds with the correct ratio of sugar and water.
This includes tips for feeding hummingbirds without attracting bees and wasps. Detailed tips on choosing a good feeder are also included.
During warmer months, you may need to clean the feeder daily and remove it during heat waves when the sugar water spoils quickly.
Grow a hummingbird-friendly garden
Hummingbirds can benefit from sugar water, but their survival depends on the following key points:
Natural habitat for nesting | Bushes, trees, shrubs. Bugs | Arthropods such as insects, caterpillars, and mosquitoes provide fat and protein. Nectar Plants | Photo Nectar Plants For carbohydrate-rich nectar plants, see 50 Flowering Plants for Hummingbirds. We do not use sprays, pesticides, or herbicides. Don’t poison their habitat or food sources. If you don’t, you’re giving them poison. Protect yourself from foreign enemies such as domestic cats. Sometimes it’s easier said than done.
free tip sheet
Epress of Dirt
Hummingbird food recipes and care tips

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Hummingbird feeder with automatic camera

Netvue Birdfy Hummingbird Feeder Camera with Solar Panel
Save high-resolution photos and videos 24/7 to free cloud storage or SD card Phone app with integrated video and notifications Identifies over 150 hummingbird species Rechargeable – also powered by the optional Birdfy solar panel Possible
old migration map
This is what the map looks like after witnessing the entire migratory season. Allow time for the map to fully load.
A legend for the various color codes can be found here.

It’s easy to see how common the white-throated hummingbird is.
Cheers to a wonderful hummingbird season.
~Melissa Empress of Dirt ♛