Don’t know where to start in your garden? It will help you choose a theme. These ideas share how to create a garden that reflects your style while harmonizing with the natural environment.
If you have a budget, check out 7 cheap (but smart) tips.

Creative Garden Theme

You dream of a unique garden space, but don’t know where to start? Choosing a theme (repeat element) is really helpful.
On its foundation, gardens are part of a local ecosystem formed by climate, land, water, plants and animals. That’s why our planting decisions are very important. The right thing will help you maintain your net of life.
From there we have endless creative possibilities.
When I was starting a garden, I was overwhelmed by the choices until the idea of using a theme came into being.
Once I decided on a few favorites, the decision was much easier.
In my case, I turned blue as a cottage style filled with repeated colours, rifed garden art, flowers, fruits, vegetables and wildlife.
My vision has begun to be cultivated quite a bit, but over time, it depends so many birds, bees, butterflies, bats, frogs and space, so the overall appearance of the garden has become more naturalized. Masu.
Your dream garden will become another distinctive mix of your favorite elements.
Here are some suggestions.
1Native Plants and Pollinators

This is both a theme to gardening and an environmentally friendly approach. By choosing a diverse selection of native plants and well-adapted plants (supporting animals co-evolved with them), we will create a garden that can thrive for years to come.
The best ones will vary for each of us based on location and growth conditions.
This lists my favorite books that will help you increase your selection of native plants in my garden.
You can also join the Native Plant Society of North America. This is an excellent resource for learning about recovering native plants into areas that have developed (such as gardens).


If you like gardens that have a really cohesive look, the color theme works well. My colour theme began when I chose the paint colour for the shed door during this shed transformation. I really love the colour and stand out in the garden. But you don’t have to settle down to just one colour. Perhaps there is a color combination you love?
Repeated with decoration, garden art and plants, there are plenty of opportunities to weave themes through the space.
Here you can explore more blue garden ideas.

3Outer inside

If you’ve been the empress of the dirt leader for a while (thank you!), I love reusing household items as garden art, especially when items go to reclaim.
My friend Nicole added bathtubs, sinks and more to her beautiful garden in Australia. I love her style and those giant agave plants are just amazing.
This garden bed frame was seen on a garden tour with vegetables and flower beds. The gardener had all kinds of wonderful artistic touches!

4Flowers and food

I began to grow vegetables between the flowers completely inevitably. My first garden was small and I wanted to grow everything!
After all, there are many benefits. Some people say that this combination of plants is a way to “confuse” pests. I don’t know if there is any science to support that, but I had a great harvest. The biggest struggle was the rabbits, but once they started using the raised bed they didn’t find my crop. I don’t think they’ll jump!
I also used tall flowers to provide shade for vegetables that don’t like direct sun. And overall, the whole garden was a paradise for pollinators.
This also brings the topic of companion planting.
There is very specific research into the relationships between specific plants (or specific plants and animals), and that’s exactly what it is. It is often very specific research in a controlled setting associated with commercial growers.
But as humans tend to do so, we somehow have a list of old folklore and enemy plants based on a combination of unfounded anecdotes and unfounded anecdotes and imagination. We created a world of combined gardening advice. These companion planting lists can be very broad, so if you try to meet all the rules, you can’t plant anything. This does not mean there is no relationship to be discovered. We’re building things up and far ahead of the facts.
Give yourself a favor, stick to the basics, and give the plants the soil, water, light and space they need.


If you are a collector, it’s no surprise that your collection will flow into your garden. I like old, zinc-plated watering cans. If they start leaking, they will be reassigned to the Garden Arts department!
The other collections I’ve seen are:
Everything that it likes can withstand the weather.
7Rocks and stones

This theme can be thought of as making lemonade from lemon. Many of us tend to overlook the beauty of our abundant local resources. An interesting example is Moss. My West Coast garden friends are always looking for ways to minimize it (or remove everything together), but where I live is rare and welcome.
The same applies to rocks and stones. If they are free and abundant, consider creative and new ways to use them. I live in Sandbank and have never found a single rock or stone in my years gardening.
This includes examples of creative stepping stone and brick path ideas.
I used the stone rest after building the pond to create a post holder for the privacy wall here.


This final theme is not for everyone, but there are many gardeners who enjoy displaying their sense of humor in their gardens.
Whether it’s a sign or an art, there are countless ways to make visitors laugh.
I’ll leave it to you to decide what tastes good or whether it’s a problem.
This old collection of sign ideas will start you.

Empress of the Defiled
Favorite garden book
These are book recommendations related to my favourite gardens on wildlife sowing, growth, cultivation, plant propagation, gardens, and memoirs.
Recommended Garden Books

Unique garden ideas
Melissa J. Will
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Garden Name Generator
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It has fun, mysterious, fantastic, romantic and wild options.
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~Melissa Empress of the Defiled