“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment and breathe in.” ~Amitrei
On December 12, 2019, I found myself in a hospital where I was undergoing an exploratory heart catheter measurement. My health reached a critical low. I was battling high blood pressure, high cholesterol, prediabetes and obesity.
At just 55 years old, my relentless deadlines, high pressure demands and my long career in car manufacturing had been keeping up with me. The stressful grind became unsustainable and I had to make a choice: either continue the same path or regain my health and happiness.
That moment in the hospital marked a turning point in my life.
High pressure and cost carriers
For decades, I have put everything into my career. The industry has called for perfection, quality, efficiency, profitability and strict adherence to schedules. It was a high stakes environment that left most of the space for personal happiness. My mantra of “work hard, play hard” defined me, but over time, the cracks began to appear.
The deadline didn’t put me to sleep. Stress encouraged poor dietary choices. Continuously pushing towards productivity erodes my ability to relax. I have achieved professional milestones, but the cost to my health was incredible.
Turn to mindfulness to heal
After that fateful day in the hospital, I overhauled my lifestyle not only physically but mentally, as many do. I embraced changes in diet, exercise and sleep, but one of the most transformative practices was mindfulness.
Mindfulness has taught me how to slow down and exist in a fast-paced world. Through meditation and yoga practice, I learned to quiet the mental noise, find quietness, and reset my perspective. This has become a lifeline and helped me navigate stress, lower cortisol levels, and promote resilience in the face of challenges. It’s about managing stress, but also fundamentally reshaping how I experienced life.
I leaned over the simplest practice, the practice I felt was natural and sustainable:
Breathing Deep: A single mindful breath calmed my nervous system and reminded me that no matter how overwhelming my life felt, it existed. I noticed now: I focused on what I could see, hear, and feel in the moment, and instead of being wiped out by anxiety, I fixed myself with my senses. Practice of gratitude: Even the storms of life had a small moment of light, a kind word, a peaceful morning, or a chance to rest. Finding and holding those moments made me ground.
These lifelines were not perfect or rigid routines. They were to create a calm space in the midst of chaos. Every breath I took in reminded me that change is possible.
Lessons learned
Looking back, I realise that if I had adopted mindfulness early in my career, my journey might have been different. The tool I adopted would have been able to buffer me against relentless pressure.
If I had stayed on the course without changing, I would probably have been on endless medication or faced with even worse outcomes. Mindfulness has given me a healthier and happier path that prioritizes my happiness without sacrificing my ambitions.
From automobiles to biotechnology
Today I am thriving with a new career in biotechnology. There, my passion for innovation coincides with my commitment to maintaining balance. At Sixty, I am more medicated and healthy than ever. Mindfulness is the cornerstone of my everyday life and I am proud to share my interests as a certified meditation facilitator with others.
I share my story. Because I believe in the power of change at any age. Whether you’re a high-pressure carrier like car manufacturing or simply feel overwhelmed by the demands of life, mindfulness can provide clarity, calmness and control.
It’s never too late to regain your health, happiness and peace of mind.