I receive many questions about seed departure. Before entering this guide, I want to make it clear:
You absolutely don’t have to spend a lot of money on seeds that start supplies.
I have previously wrote a post about scoring a cheap seed departure supplies that can find a free seed departure or free seed departure. I started seeds with the eggshell and made a newspaper pot like sowing.
Therefore, there are many options to spend money on seeds and soil mixes (if I just started again, I personally concentrate my budget).
However, there is no doubt that purchasing high -quality seed starting goods that last many years. If they can invest in several important works each year, they pay over and over again.
Stacking and storage are much easier with the uniform size and shape. Tray and insert use space more efficiently. Trays and inserts are better organized because they can sow seeds in columns and groups. You can save money (and frustration) by not changing broken pots and trays every few years.
This list does not include the entire indoor seed setup (described in another post). I cover items that I think is essential to start. Since most of these items have been used for years, you can guarantee how much they lasted and how they depended on them.
We recommend some of my favorite seed start tools that you don’t always need, but they make things much easier!
Disclosure: If you shop from my article or buy it through any of my links, you may receive some recommended products.
Best seed start tray
Who has the best seed start tray? Bootstrap Farmer.
They make the most durable trays that do not bend or hang like other brands. I have been using the same tray for over seven years, but I have no cracks or dents. (I say a lot because my tools are pretty rough, and there are infants who love to help in the garden in the meantime.) They come with several fun colors besides black. Every time I see them, I’m very happy!
The industry standard is 1020 trays, and I think that the space is maximized. Because the size is 10×20 inches, it is called 1020 trays, so all 1020 trays of various brands need to nest each other, but if you buy a tray created by the same company, you can do so. can.
Flat tray
Start with these flat trays designed to hold various inserts and pots. This is one of the most hammered works in the season, so you will be paid to get the best tray as much as possible.
Boot strap farmer
Flat tray
Combine these 1020 shallow trays with Celtray to add seedlings to the bottom more effectively.
I prefer a shallow version without holes. This is completely suitable for the insertion of all boot strap farmers. Also, it is very easy to use the seedlings to the bottom. There is also a deeper tray set to use to carry other pots outside to cure the transplant.
I use these 32 -cell seed starter trays and use them, but I feel this is a very flexible system. The bottom tray is the place where I usually start my seeds. Each cell has a 2 -inch square and a depth of 2 inches. If you need to pots the seedlings, use the attached pot (depth 3 inch) that makes the nest properly in the tray.
Boot strap farmer
32 Celelley with pot
The pots that are larger cells create a very flexible system for the start of the seed.
If you know that my seedlings will stay in the pot for a while, I will start the seeds correctly (instead of the bottom tray). This set offers some options depending on what grows every season. I like to use one or both pieces together or separately.
The big question here is how many cells do you need for each tray?
If you start thousands of seeds, or if the space is small, you can use 128 cells or 72 cell inserts instead. The cells are much smaller (about 1 inch square), but more efficient if they tend to transplant seedlings immediately after the first true leaf appears.
But if you want to go to that route, there is another product I love …
Airprueling Tray
I have only used these Air Plunning Trays for a year and a half, but it’s amazing! The seedlings grown indoors in my northern climate are very robust.
Boot strap farmer
72 Cell Air Plunning Tray
Special air strip promotes a greater air flow for more healthy and stronger seedlings.
The boot strap farmer calls this an alternative to soil blocking. This is to provide all benefits of healthy roots and stronger transplants without confusion.
In the tray, each cell has a special air strip, which “pruning” the roots to prevent roots. (This is the same principle as Grow Bags, and I also love using it.) The large holes at the bottom can easily fly seedlings without disturbing the seedlings too much. (No, when the tray was satisfied, the soil did not fall out of those holes. I was skeptical until I started using it.)
You can use the same seed stark mix as you are always using to set it in 1020 shallow trays for bottom water.
Do you need both types of Celtray?
I personally like to have options, and 32 -cell tray and 72 -cell air -planning tray provide sufficient versatility, so I buy a lot of other trays and pots at the beginning of the seed. There is no need to do.
If you do not know the number you need, suppose only 5 to 10 seeds of various plants are sowed, and 10 kinds of vegetables are grown. Therefore, start 50 to 100 cells. (I say cells here instead of seeds.
In this scenario, we recommend purchasing two trays, 32 cells, cells, or out of 50 cells. In this way, one tray can be grown faster, or planted in seeds with the same day similar to maturity, and you can plant vegetables that grow slowly in other trays. It makes your seedlings much easier to manage.
Best seed starting mix
I know my opinion that this is the best way to read my other posts about creating a unique seed starting mix. You don’t need much effort than using Premade Mix. You can also save money.
Only three materials, Peat Moss (or CocoCoia), Perlite, and Vermiculite.
If you want to buy something from the shelf, I will introduce the high -quality bag packed in the garden of your daughter’s school. (I also like that it is in a decent size bag for the average housing gardener.)
Organic seed starter
This 16 -quoted bag of this seed staring mix is enough to start the whole season at home.
Cultivating light of the highest price
You will find a lot of opinions about what the best growth light for the plants, and this is mine: The beginning of a casual species, you don’t need flashy things. You’ll even do shop lights.
However, if you have highly reliable, energy -efficient, powerful growth light, use these full spectral LED lights. These are the exact growth lights I use at home, at the time of writing (January 2025), I think they are the best bangs for the back.
Full spectrum T8 LED Grow Lights
The powerful lights at these affordable prices will help you grow strong seedlings to start casual seeds.
It is also very easy to use (just plugin!). You can attach them to the shelf unit used to start the seed (with adjustable nets or chains). You can also chain multiple barina lights very easily.
Other tools I love
The outlet timer is an option, but to be honest, most of us are too busy and don’t forget to turn off the lights every day. (Before I get the timer, I found that I only turned on /off the lights on my schedule, so my seedlings recommend 16 hours of complete one for powerful growth. I didn’t).
You need a simple manual or digital outlet timer, but I personally use this multi -outlet surge protector timer to insert light, heat mat, and small fans.
Surge Protector Digital Timer
Using a multi -outlet timer allows you to connect all lights, fans and heat mats, and the seedlings get 16 hours a day.
Mini fan
Speaking of fans, these portable clip -on fans have been added to the seed start setup several years ago.
Comfortable zone
Mini clip -on fan
Execute these 6 -inch fans for several hours every day to prevent the attenuation of the disease and strengthen the seedlings.
If you have read my guide to harden the plants, I will brush the upper part of the seedlings lightly with your hands, simulate the breeze, and help grow a stronger stems. I recommend it. It’s free, and you’re likely to check your seedlings every day, so you can do it completely.
But running a small fan for several hours a day has really expanded my game. They reduced the possibility of attenuating the disease almost zero and provided important air flow when all seedlings became thicker.
Heat mat
Start by saying that this item is not required. I started seeding indoors for many years without a heat mat, but they worked.
However, after moving to the center of Oregon and installing a seed start station in the garage (it often does not exceed 60 ° F in early spring), it takes time to germinate the heat of heat like pepper and tomato. I noticed that. In combination with the humidity dome (bottom), this heat mat has made a major difference in improving germination and time for at least one week!
10 × 20 Heat Mat
This heat mat fits completely under the seed start tray to gently heat the soil and promote germination. In a cold space, it can also help warm the air around the seedlings.
You only need one mat, but these two packs are very large. When the seeds germinate, move the mat to another tray if necessary, or put it under the seedlings to warm the surrounding room temperature (start seeding in the cooler part of the draft window or at the house. In the case, the example).
Humidity dome
I use a humidity dome on the tray immediately after sowing seeds to keep heat and water. Most of the cool seasonal crops start with my garage, but this dome is enough to warm them, and no heat mat is required for germination. (And if your seed start station is in your house, it’s probably all you need.)
Boot strap farmer
Humidity dome
Using a humidity dome immediately after sowing seeds, it helps to germinate heat and water faster and more consistently.
The 3 -inch dome is my favorite height because it has little bulky.
Plant seeds
I started using this lovely spoon size from the gardener supply. It is used quickly to release seedlings from Celtray and use it to peel off houseplants. It was much more effective than a normal spoon, and this was my previous tool for work.
Gardener supply company
Mini filter
Who knew that a spoon -sized cotton was very convenient? ! This is the perfect size for peeling the seedlings and making a narrow groove on the soil.
Recently, I bought this seed plant from Fiskers, and I like it even more! Combine multiple tools into one (mini, width, diver) and clean up very easily.
Plant seeds
This convenient tool is actually one tool. Mini with a measurement mark, width, and Diver.