Halloween stuffed peppers | Photo Ketohana recipe

Halloween stuffed peppers | Photo Ketohana recipe

Made with beef, seasonal vegetables, and all the right herbs and spices, these stuffed peppers are the perfect Halloween treat. Plus, you can top it with pumpkin spice granola for a spooky crunch. material 4-5 green peppers (mixed colors) 1 pound ground beef 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1 onion (chopped) 2 cloves of garlic 2 […]

Q&A with Katie St. Jacques

Q&A with Katie St. Jacques

This month’s art is by Kelowna, British Columbia-based illustrator Catie St. Jacques. Katie describes herself as “a gentle person with a great respect for life.” Regarding this month’s theme, she says: “Gratitude changes everything. Feeling and expressing gratitude expands your consciousness and changes your perspective. It radiates from my heart, guides me through life, and […]

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