Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 262 – Between Chaos and Cosmos
Ram Dass shares stories of miracles and talks about truth, relationships, and how dualistic methods can help straddle the thin line between chaos and cosmos. Ram Dass Here & Now is brought to you by BetterHelp. Be your best self by trying online therapy at betterhelp.com/ramdass. The show is sponsored by Magic Mind, a matcha-based […]
What happens if you walk or run every day without technology?
Written by Leo Babauta I try to get outside every day for a walk or run (or some other sport like cycling or basketball), but I often debate with myself whether I should use my phone to listen to music, podcasts, or audiobooks. Should I bring earphones or just to listen to music? Become technology-free. […]
10 superfoods that increase collagen
Let’s talk about the benefits of collagen-boosting superfoods, including what they are and why you should include them in your diet. “Superfood” is a term often used in the field of health food, but what exactly does it mean? Superfoods are a special category of foods known for their exceptional nutrient density and significant health […]