Alternative to the best grip bench press with triple muscle mass

Alternative to the best grip bench press with triple muscle mass

You are here because Close-Grip Bench Press is not working for you.

Maybe it’s too dangerous to try shoulder pain, tension your elbows, and try to try out alone.

No matter what the problem is, you don’t have to stick to an unwanted exercise.

There are several Barbel Close Grip Bench Press An alternative It may effectively train your triceps and go more to you.

Best Seven, why they work very well and how to do it for the biggest benefits.

Key takes

Effective Substitute for Close Grip Bench Press It is a high -level training of the triceps, which is a joint friendly, and must be overloaded.
Dip is the best alternative to the closed grip bench press. It effectively trains your triceps and gives you a safe and heavy life.
Neutral grip dumbbell press, JM press, and Grip pin press It is also a very effective alternative.
Machine -based options such as Smith Machine Bench Press and Chest Pres provide stability and safety, and provide optimal choices for beginners and those who want to minimize risk during training.
Diamond’s push -up is simple and weight Substitute for closed grip bench press for home training.

Why do you need an alternative to the closed grip bench press?

Close alternative to grip bench press

Close grip bench presses do not deny that His triceps exercise. I got a stripe at the gym Lab

But that’s not for everyone.

For some people, the narrow grip puts excessive burden on the shoulders and elbows. For others, we will keep the appropriate form more challenging.

And some people feel that the barbell is da, especially if they don’t have a spotter.

That’s here Substitute for grip bench press Come in.

These exercises are targeted for the triceps effectively while avoiding discomfort, maintaining safety, and enjoying training. All of these are essential to sticking to training and gaining the necessary results.

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Alternative to the best grip bench press with triple muscle mass

Close the grip pin pressClose the grip pin press

You can find countless Substitute for grip bench press It’s online, but most are not in the same league.

The following seven are different.

They are the best because they can help you lift heavy weights and avoid problems related to the closed grip bench press. Proceed regularlyIt is important to gain mass and strength.

1. Dip

why: Dip is one of the rare triceps exercise comparable to a closed grip bench press when building both muscles and strength.

Most people consider it as an exercise of weight, but it’s actually very scalable. Start with the assist version, go to the weight dip, and finally add it Dip belt And weight to keep making profits.


If you are using a dip belt, wrap the belt around your waist, add the desired weight to the chain, and fix the carabiner.
Grab both the handle of both dipstations, jump quietly from the ground, and press your arms to support your weight until your arm is straight.
Rest up your torso, bend your knees so that your feet do not touch the ground, and bend your elbows until the upper arm is almost parallel to the floor to lower your body.
Press the handle to drive your body and return to the starting position.

Expert hints: To concentrate the dip on more triceps, keep the torso stand upright and keep the elbow firmly on the side.

Related: Muscle expert guide working in dip

2. Neutral grip dumbbell press

why: Like Close-Grip Bench Press, push your elbows near your side and execute a neutral grip dumbbell Bench press. The difference is that some people are gently finding a neutral grip in a joint, making it more comfortable in some scenarios.


While sitting on a flat bench, hold the dumbbell on each hand and place it on the thighs.
Lie down, wind up the dumbbell, make fine adjustments with the thighs and hold it on both sides of your chest.
The palm faces each other, pushes the elbow into 4 to 6 inches from the side, pushes the dumbbell straight on the chest, the arm is straight and the elbow is locked.
Return the movement and return to the starting position.

Expert hints: If it is difficult to control the dumbbell with a neutral grip dumbbell press, try “crush” dumbbells together. This causes tension to the whole upper body and more stable movement.

3. JM press

why: JM press is wonderful Substitute for closed grip benches Because it trains the triceps more large. Range of motion More than a regular closed grip bench press for maximizing muscle and strength.


Lie on a flat bench, pull the scapula together, pull down, and arches the back slightly without lifting the buttocks and shoulders from the bench.
It is slightly narrower than the shoulder width grip, holds the barbell, releases it, and moves it on your chest.
Turn the barbell toward your neck, keep your elbows in front of the torso, bend your palm a little back, and your palms will turn to the ceiling.
When the forearm and biceps touch the biceps, return the bar to the starting position.

Expert hints: The important thing is to gradually start light and progress in the JM press. If you try to lift it too quickly, it can lead to pain in your elbow.

Related: How to JM Press: Exercise Guide

4. Grip pin press

why: Grip pin press It is an excellent alternative if the total range of motion grip bench press damage shoulders. Focusing on the upper half of the movement will reduce the tension of the shoulder while targeting the triceps effectively. In addition, the triceps is separated to reduce the involvement in the chest.


Place a bench in the center of the power rack.
Adjust the rack safety pin, lie down on the bench and put a bar on the pin, the bar will be several inches on your chest.
Lie on a bench with a bar on your chest.
Release the width of the shoulders or become a little narrower, hold the barbell, place your feet flat on the floor, and maintain a slight arch on your back.
Hide your upper arm near the thoracic and push the bar straight up until your arm is straight.
Return the movement and return to the starting position with the pin bar.

Expert hints: The pins at the bottom of each person in charge pause for one second, and the bar cannot be bounced off from the pin, and the bar does not rise unevenly.

5. Smith Machine Close Grip Bench Press

why: If so The weighting weight is new Smith machine version is a solid alternative. Fixed barpas helps control the weight, so it requires less adjustment and balance than a free weight version.

Another advantage is that the Smith Machine’s closed grip bench press incorporates the safety of catching a barbell if the person in charge fails. This is a safer option for those who are training alone, but for those who like to lift heavy weight.


Lie down on a flat bench in the center of the Smith Machine, pull the scapula together and pull it down, and make your back a little arched without lifting the buttocks and shoulders from the bench.
Leave the shoulder width, or slightly narrow, grab the barbell and release the barbell.
While pushing the elbow to about 30 degrees compared to the torso, lower the barbell to the lower chest.
Return the barbell to the starting position.

Expert hints: To set up Smith Machine, grip the bench press. Place the bench in the center of the vertical rail. If you do not do this, you can make exercise in an imbalance and troublesome.

Related: Do I need to make a bench press on a Smith machine or barbell?

6. Machine chest press

why: Machine chest press is underestimated Replace Close-Grip Bench Press。 Ideal for adding extra presses volume (Set) At the end of the workout, heavy free weights may be too taxable.


Adjust the handle and seat of the chest press machine, and the handle adjusts only a few inches from the chest according to the shoulder.
Hold both handles, improve your palms (or toward each other), and press forward until your arms are straight.
Return the movement and return to the starting position.

Expert hints: Some chest press machines have a vertical handle that can bring the grip closer while minimizing stress on the joints. If the machine offers this option, you can make the chest press more effective CLOSE-GRIP BENCH PRESS alternative exercise

7. Diamond push -ups

why: Diamond push -ups train Using only weight, the triceps is excellent Substitute for Close Grip Bench Press If you want to train at home, new people with strength training.


Hold your hands together under your chest and put them on all fours.
Form a diamond with the finger and thumb of the index, extend your feet back, so that you are in the position of the thick plate.
Keep your back straight, lower your chest, then push up your body and return to the starting position.

Expert hints: If the diamond hand position is unpleasant on your wrist, put your hand under your shoulder and push your upper arm near the side to exercise. This will still target your triceps effectively while reducing discomfort.

Related: Push -up method: Forms, variations, training

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FAQ # 1: Is the closed grip bench more difficult than a normal bench press?

Close-Grip Bench Press often feels more challenging than a normal bench press for two reasons.

It shifts the emphasis on your triceps, which is smaller than your chest and is generally weak.
The narrower grip increases the range of motion. In other words, you have to pay more efforts to complete each person in charge.

Related: A decisive guide for the appropriate bench press form

FAQ # 2: What is the best closed grip bench alternative?

It depends on your taste and situation. However, if I could only choose one Substitute for Close Grip Bench PressChoose a dip. Like Close-Grip Bench Press, using DIP can train the entire triceps as a heavy weight and a large amount of movement, and is ideal for gaining mass and strength of the triceps. 。

Related: The ultimate guide of the chest dip to build the chest

FAQ # 3: Do you need a closed grip bench press?

A close grip bench press is not required, but it is very effective. It trains your triceps, chestAnd some of the other muscles of the shoulders, and your upper body as a whole.

Nevertheless, if you can’t, if you don’t want to do it Close-Grip Bench Press, alternative Like a dip, the neutral grip dumbbell bench press and the JM press work well.


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