Is sorghum a healthy grain?

Is sorghum a healthy grain?

How does sorghum compare to other grains in terms of proteins, antioxidants, and micronutrients? And what are the advantages of Red Sorghum compared to black and white varieties?

Sorghum is a “forgotten grain.” The US is the top producer of Sorghum, but instead “it is not normally used to produce food for American consumers.” Instead, it mainly “produces livestock feed, pet food and home building materials. Although it is used for it, it is a favorable grain for human diets in other parts of the world, such as Africa and Asia.” There, it is a staple food, eaten for thousands of years, and is now the fifth most popular grain grown after wheat, corn, rice and barley, and it has been battered with oats and rye.

Sorghum is “increasingly used” as a real human food in the United States because it is gluten-free and is “that is considered to be safe to consume by people with celiac disease.” , I decided to find out how. It may be healthy. As you can see below, in my video at 0:59 is Sorghum a healthy grain? It is comparable to other grains when it comes to protein.

But when do you need to worry about getting enough protein? The fiber is something Americans desperately lacking, and as you can see at 1:06 in my video, the sorghum is pulling towards the front of the pack.

The micronutrient composition is relatively “inconspicuous” compared to other grains. You can see, for example, how minerals are evaluated, as shown at 1:15 in my video.

Where sorghum shines is its polyphenol content. Polyphenols are plant compounds, and “their regular consumption is associated with a reduced risk of many chronic diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and neurodegenerative diseases.” and “all causes.” It has also been shown to have a protective effect on mortality. Comparing the different grains, sorghum really pulls ahead and, as you can see here, helps explain why its antioxidant capacity is so high at 1:40.

Currently, sorghum gets a grainy butt kicked by fruits and vegetables, but compared to other grains, for example, sorghum-based breakfast cereals are about 8 times more antioxidant than whole wheat-based ones. It may have a substance. But what we care about is not the antioxidant activity in the vitro, but the antioxidant activity in the body.

If you measure your blood’s antioxidant ability after eating regular pasta, it will increase slightly. If you replace 30% of the flour with sorghum flour, it won’t rise much higher. However, eating 30% red sorghum flour pasta, the antioxidant ability in the bloodstream shoots about 15 times as shown at 2:22 in my video.

Red Sorghum? yes. In fact, there are multiple types of sorghum, including black sorghum, white sorghum and red sorghum. In my video, at 2:31 below, you can see what it looks like in grain shapes (including yellow sorghum).

Red sorghum, especially black sorghum, has very high antioxidant activity, comparable to fruits and vegetables, as seen here and at 2:41.

The problem is that no coloured sorghum varieties can be found. I can go online and buy red or black rice, purple, blue or red popcorn, purple or black barley, but red or black sorghum can be difficult to find. However, White Sorghum is widely available for around $4 per pound. Are there any “unique nutrition and health-promoting attributes”? According to the study’s title, it is promoted as “unutilized whole grains that may help prevent chronic diseases,” but what is the “effectiveness of sorghum consumption on health outcomes”?

As shown below and at 3:20 in my video, an epidemiological study in China shows that esophageal cancer mortality rates are lower in areas where more millet and sorghum are eaten compared to corn and wheat. But you may have avoided that. Fungal contamination of corn over the advantages of sorghum itself. But that is possible. “Oats are the only source of avenanthramide,” which gives OATS a unique health benefit. Similarly, sorghum, and even white sorghum, contain a unique pigment known as 3-deoxyanthocyanins. This is a powerful inducer of liver detoxifying enzymes and can inhibit the growth of human cancer cells growing in Petri dishes compared to red cabbage. For example, it just has a normal anthocyanin pigment. White sorghum was not much worse than the red or black variety. This could simply be a general effect of sorghum, as it has much more unique 3-deoxyanthocyanins. You don’t know until you put it in the test.

Researchers found that sorghum inhibits tumor growth and metastasis in human breast cancer xenografts. What does that mean? They concluded that sorghum can be used as a “inexpensive natural cancer therapy without side effects.” It is highly recommended to use (sorghum) as a food therapy because it has anti-metastatic effects against human tumor suppression, migration inhibition, and breast cancer. However, xenografting refers to human breast cancer transplanted into mice. Yes, human tumors grew more slowly with sorghum extracts fed mice, blocking metastasis to the lungs. Yes, sorghum did the same with human colon cancer, which was also in mice, but it cannot necessarily translate into how human cancers grow. I have an immune system. They are kept without thymus glands. The thymus is the place where immunity to fight cancer occurs primarily. In other words, can the mouse immune system not completely reject human tissue? However, this immunosuppression makes these types of mouse models more artificial and much more difficult to extrapolate to humans.

And that’s a lot of what we see in the Sorghum literature. In vitro data from test tubes and Petri dishes, as well as from rats and mice. There was a “important missing part of the puzzle” needed to link laboratory data to the actual human interests. It’s lost, that is, until now. Thankfully, we are currently undergoing human intervention research.

Stay tuned for the health benefits of sorghum.

Should we all seek gluten-free grains? See related posts below.


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