Jack Cornfield and Trudy Goodman – Heart Wisdom – EP. 276 – Healing with Love: The Wisdom of Hope for Difficult Times

Jack Cornfield and Trudy Goodman - Heart Wisdom - EP. 276 - Healing with Love: The Wisdom of Hope for Difficult Times

Jack Cornfield and Trudy Goodman join forces in the quest for Buddha’s eternal wisdom.

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“We are beginning to feel that who we are not only limited by world events, but also connected to something vast, mystical and bigger.” – Jack Cornfield

In part one of this episode, Jack and Trudy explore with all their heart. Maha Gosananda, Gandhi of the eternal wisdom of Cambodian Buddha: hatred never stops by hatred, but love alone deals with climate change, racism, war, refugees, injustice, and cultural unrest, and from despair. All those facing saving themselves from saving themselves will become bodhisattva, set your heart compass, set your heart compass for compassion, and with beauty Change the practice from unconscious to loving recognition, excellence and compassion
We are all the same size when we face the vulnerability of our mortality.

“Psychologically, we are all the same size because we all face mortality vulnerability.” – Trudy Goodman

“In our community, our families, our lives, our joy and sorrow, our birth and death, we are given the responsibility to put ourselves in the web of love.” – Jack Cornfield

Learn how to thrive in love: The Secrets of Buddhism will change Jack Cornfield and Trudy Goodman’s relationship from February 17th – join us anytime! The lecture was originally aired in the voice of the Esalen Podcast.

The voice of the Esalen Podcast presents in-depth interviews with dynamic teachers and thinkers who are part of the Esalen Institute. The podcast, hosted by former Esalen student and current staff member Sam Stern, includes authors Sheryl Straid and Michael Polan, innovators Stan Groff and Dr. Mark Heiman, teachers Byron Katie and Mark Coleman. We featured a fascinating conversation between Jean Houston and Esalen Koy. Founder Michael Murphy and others. For more information, please visit esalen.org/story/podcasts

About Trudy Goodman:

Trudy is a Vipassana teacher of the Theravada lineage and founding teacher of Insightla. For 25 years in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Trudy practiced mindfulness-based psychotherapy with children, teenagers, couples and individuals. Trudy implements retreats, engages in activist work, and teaches workshops around the world and online. She is also the voice of Trudy The Love Barbarian from the Netflix series The Midnight Gospel. Learn more about Trudy’s thriving amazing products at Trudygoodman.com

About Jack Cornfield:

Jack Kornfield was trained as a Buddhist monk k in monasteries in Thailand, India and Burma and studied AS. A monk under the Buddhist master Ben. Ajaan Cha and Ben. Mahashi Sayado. He has been teaching meditation internationally since 1974 and is one of the key teachers introducing Buddhist mindfulness practices to the West. Jack co-founded the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, along with fellow meditation teachers Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein, and the Spirit Rock Center in Hoddacle, California. His books have been translated into 20 languages ​​and have sold over a million copies.

Jack now offers a fantastic set of online courses that will dive into important topics such as the foundations of mindfulness meditation, walking eight times the path, opening up a heart of forgiveness, living beautifully, and changing your life through powerful stories. I’m doing it. Sign up for all access passes and explore Jack’s entire course library. If you want a long-standing online meetup with Jack and his fellow community, join Awakening Year: Monthly Journey with Jack Kornfield

Visit Jackkornfield.com and sign up for his email teaching to keep you up to date with the flow of Jack and his fresh dharma offerings. Jack: Listen more from Tune into EP. 109 of Mind Wisdom: This too will learn about living in the peaceful mind of the EP. Checkout EP of Mind Wisdom 91. Learning about healing through loving the heart leads to Jack Cornfield and joy with more stories that open up the heart, restoring the heart, and 92 of Heart Wisdom. 102 of Mind Wisdom: Wisdom of those who know the checkout EP. One wisdom of one mind, one wisdom gains wisdom in non-permanence

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