Ozempic (Semaglutide) and other GLP-1 weight loss drugs: their uses, side effects, etc.

Ozempic (Semaglutide) and other GLP-1 weight loss drugs: their uses, side effects, etc.

The new class of weight loss pills, such as Ozempic, are known as “.10 years of medical sensation. “Do they deserve all the hype?

For more information about deep diving, see my primers on this topic. Ozempic: Risks, Benefits and Natural Alternatives of GLP-1 Weight Loss Drugs teeth Can be used as an e-book, audiobook, or paperback. You can also view my video series for free on the Ozempic topic page or on the YouTube channel. Here is an important point.

What is GLP-1?

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), a hormone that naturally exists in our body, plays a role in regulating blood glucose, appetite, and digestion. Our gastrointestinal tract releases over 20 different peptide hormones, Includes GLP-1. The main stimulation for secreting GLP-1 is a rich diet Fats and carbohydratesand so is the main action of GLP-1. Signals your brain to feel full. that It also slows digestion. Slowing down the speed at which food leaves the stomach helps not only make us fuller for longer, but also helps us to Blood sugar control. When GLP-1 or agonist (mimic) is added to people’s veins, it reduces appetite and becomes significantly Reduced food consumption– The reduction in calorie intake is about the same 25-50%.

About GLP-1 Drugs

Our GLP-1 hormone acts as an appetite suppressant by targeting responsible brain parts Hunger and craving. GLP-1 secretory cells are not just in the intestines. So are they In our brains. These new anti-obesity drugs are GLP-1 agonistmimics the action of hormones by binding to the GLP-1 receptor.

Our body I’ll disassemble it The GLP-1 is so fast that we rarely do it around us Circulation systemThat’s why you cannot take hormones directly. The compound was discovered. Gira Monster– It mimics GLP-1, but is resistant to failure. Using that compound as a template, the first GLP-1 agonist was created, and the treatment of diabetes was approved about 20 years ago. Like native GLP-1, most of it is cleared from the body within 2.5 minutes, but many of the drugs remain in the body for 2.5 hours. It still means injections twice a day, so after that, liraglutide can last all day.

What is ozempic?

Eventually, Semaglutide was developed and branded as Ozempic. Just once a week. Ozempic was approved in 2017 Treat diabetes. Within a few years, a daily oral version was developed again for diabetes, but researchers running these clinical trials noticed surprising side effects. People’s appetites have decreased.

How does Ozempic work?

In a way, GLP-1 agonist drugs function like birth control. Imitation of the pill Placental hormoneand it tricks our bodies and thinks we are always pregnant. Ozempic-Type drugs mimic GLP-1 and thus trick our bodies into thinking we are eating them all the time. That’s how we dial our hungry drive.

ozempic for weight loss

in The longest trial evermore than 17,000 individuals were randomized to high-dose semaglutide or placebo injections for four years. Overall, people who were on the drug were 9% more weight than in the placebo group, but lost all of their weight in the first 65 weeks. They continued to be injected weekly for three more years, but in the next 143 weeks they lost no further weight.

Weight loss tends to be plateaus. Because continuous weight loss will more and more activate the feedback control circuitry and stimulate appetite, the same amounts to reduce calories through will, drugs, or surgery will encounter an increase in resistance. In the case of GLP-1 drugs, weight loss caused by the initial reduction in appetite is weakened by a clear exponential increase in calorie intake, as our bodies once again hit hunger. Within 12 months, this resistance, combined with a lighter weight, combined with a reduction in calorie needs, is consistent with sustained efforts to reduce calories; Weight loss plateau. And as soon as we stop taking the medication, our full appetite resumes and we begin to regain the weight we lost in the first place.

Ozempic Cost

Wegovy, high-dose ozenpic used for weight loss, $1,350 a monththis can also lose weight, so you may have to pay permanently I’ll stack it up If you stop taking it. So it can be expensive Over $16,000 a year If paid at your own expense for someone not covered by insurance.

Side effects of Ozempic

most Common side effects Includes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation. Gallbladder problems are another side effect. Excess cholesterol that has fallen out of fat cells crystallizes and forms in bile, like rock candies Gallstones.

It’s rare but Serious negative effects It also appears. The package inserts for both semaglutide and tilzepatide list a set of “.Warnings and PrecautionsThese include thyroid tumors, acute pancreatic inflammation (pancreatitis), acute gallbladder disease, and acute kidney damage (which may result from dehydration due to excessive vomiting or diarrhea). Allergic reactionssoaking blood sugar levels at the bottom while lowering blood sugar levels, worsening eye disease in type 2 diabetic patients, increased heart rate requiring monitoring, and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors.

What is “Ozempic Face”?

“Ozempic Face” is the term used to describe a Distorted face appearance Among drug users. (A “similar account” has been created.ozempic butt.”) Media reports have linked drugs to facial aging, but the drooping appearance simply means Accelerated fat loss On the face. This interpretation seems logical, but a review of the phenomenon concluded that “this explanation cannot fully explain significantly accelerated facial aging.” Other factors suspected to be responsible for the early appearance of facial aging Loss of facial muscle massdecreased structural integrity of the skin, and altered stem cell function and hormone secretion.

Is Ozempic safe?

In the first quantitative benefits and carbonization balanced analysis, the researchers concluded that those who achieved a weight loss of 10% are more likely to have more than 90% of the benefits of taking the drug outweigh the harm. a 5% weight loss.

At this time, some of these drugs and dosing schedules are so new that we don’t know about the long-term harm or benefits. To complicate the issue, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests providing these medications to teens and even tweens. Young 12 years old. These drugs work by It works on the brainso if young people take them for the rest of their lives, who knows how their childhood development and even more will affect them. I have evidence now near– Long-term safety cannot be envisioned until period benefits have been demonstrated over several years.

Ozempic alternatives

There is no need to take medications that mimic GLP-1. Not only does plant-based diet intake exceed GLP-1 secretion more than twice as much as meat diets, but plant-based diets increase rest metabolic rates and incorporate a high calorie confinement. This can lead to weight loss. Fiber foods that wash away calories. The largest study of strictly plant-based eaters found that on average it is about 35 pounds lighter.

When you eat a donut, its fat, sugar and starch are quickly absorbed and absorbed high. It then reaches a part of the digestive tract and produces most of the hormones that suppress appetite. Cells that produce GLP-1 in response to calorie exposure are The end of the digestive tractwhile most of the calories we burn are absorbed early on, most calories never lower it enough. That’s why our appetite hasn’t been much suppressed these days. From a GLP-1 perspective, when we have that donut, it’s like we’ve never eaten anything. It’s no wonder they reach for donut number 2.

Our prehistoric ancestors are believed to have consumed 100 grams of fiber every day. That’s more than six times more than what most of us have recently gained. We have evolved to eat large quantities Whole plant food– Only place fibers are found abundantly. This prevented the natural satiety mechanism from eating us too much. Eating the way nature intended allows you to release GLP-1 in the way nature intended. It helps explain why in the medical literature compared to other dietary methods, including potion control, whole foods and plant-based diets. Larger average weight loss More than any other diet.

For more information about Ozempic and GLP-1, see these resources.


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