BHNN Guest Podcast -EP. 193 –Ram Dass Explorer’s Club: Encounter the spirit of Martina Hoffmann

BHNN Guest Podcast -EP. 193 --Ram Dass Explorer's Club: Encounter the spirit of Martina Hoffmann

Martina Hoffman, a foresight artist, explains his dwelling with his dreams, nature, psychedelic, and others.

Today’s podcast is brought to customers by Betterhelp. Try the online therapy with In this episode, Martina Hoffman encounters the spirit through dreams, nature, creativity and spiritual fabrics, cannot enter meditation through the vast mental evolution of Art Martina, so that it wakes up and awakens from his dreams. We provide a mixture of the spirit that cannot enter meditation. The experiences of the body, the psychedelic and reception of all the senses of all sensations, have released many ways to heal (physical, mental, emotional), and accept a new beginning. The moment of challenging a common journey adopts the moment to prepare us

“My eyes opened. This beautiful blue sphere appeared in front of me and was suspended by electric energy. I made a picture of it. After this process, I explained how I had to help me to be the one who was supposed to be. “

About Martina Hoffman:

Martina Hoffman, born in Germany, grew partially in the West Africa Cameroon. She studied art education and sculpture at the German Frankfurt/main Johann Wolfgang Gate University. During this time, she met a fantastic realist Robert Venosa and was greatly inspired by his work and started working as a painter. During the 30 -year relationship, they worked closely, taught workshops around the world, and shared their studios in both the United States and Europe. Today, Martina Hoffman is a painter and a sculptor, remains a central person of art with modern foresight. Her paintings can give a glimpse of the images inspired by her inner landscape, that is, an expanded consciousness. Her foresight, with a clear realism, is clearly feminine and puts “universal women” in intimate universe. She writes not only as an EC experience, but also in a realistic style that marries her illusions to sacred people. Check out Martina’s work on her website.

About the host, Jackie Dobrinka:

Jackie Dobrinska is a RAM DASS Love, Serve, Remember Foundation, and the current podcast education, community, and inclusion director. She is also a teacher, coach, spiritual director, and has been married to a mysterious research for 20 years, and can marry holistic wellness expertise for 15 years. As a minister in the spirituality, Jackie was appointed as the spirituality of creation in 2016, and the tradition of plants Medicine -based pachaktimesa, Surividilla Tandra, Shamanism in Western Europeans, Christianism, and wise women, etc. I studied a wide range of systems. , And others. Today, in addition to the construction of LSRF courses and community, she led a workshop and coach to find, nourish, and live from the most real self.

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