Episode 175: Amazing houseplants

Episode 175: Amazing houseplants

Potted plants bring life and positive energy to any room, and studies have shown that having them nearby can reduce stress, increase creativity, and improve focus. In the winter, when the weather isn’t conducive to outdoor gardening, it’s especially satisfying to help the living gems in your windowsill thrive and look their best. In this episode, Daniel and Carol talk with their friend and colleague Christine Alexander about the houseplants they think are really worth having indoors.

Expert: Christine Alexander is Fine Gardening’s digital content editor.

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daniel’s plants

goldfish plant (Growing in clusters, Nematanthus, Zone 10-11)

Pothos “Pearls & Jade” (Epipremnum aureum “Pearl and Jade”, zones 10-12)

“Snow Leopard” Mangabe (Mangave “Snow Leopard”, zones 9-11)

carol’s plants

holiday cactus (schlumbergeratruncatazones 10-12)

Longhorn lily cactus (Echinopsis subdendatazones 9 to 11)

Velvet Plant (Gynula Aurantiacazones 10-12)

‘Red Tiger’ flowering maple (Aptillon ‘Red Tiger’, zones 8-10)

christine’s plants

Peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisiizones 11-12) – Learn more about peace lilies here.

angel wing begonia (Begonia maculata variable Waitizones 10-12)

*See also “Looking Glass” begonias

Vriesea (Vriesea splendenszones 10-12)

goldfish plant

goldfish plant flower

Pothos “Pearls & Jade”

“Snow Leopard” Mangabe

Holiday cactus (bought at the grocery store in the early 1990s)

Longhorn lily cactus, flower bud and blooming

velvet plant

‘Red Tiger’ flowering maple

peace lily


polka dot begonia

Let’s Argue About Plants is released every other Friday.


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