Want to get organized? This article will show you how to put away your clothes in a few easy steps.
(My closet design is by EasyClosets)
As fall approaches, it’s time to take off your shorts and T-shirts and put on scarves and cardigans. As your closet changes with the seasons, now is the perfect time to take some time to review and organize your wardrobe.
Clothing is one of the fastest-growing household items, and the more clothes you have, the more stress you have every time you open your closet door. Organizing your clothes not only lets you know where each item is stored, but also ensures that you only wear your favorite clothes every day.
While it may seem like a daunting task on the front end, the journey is freeing, cathartic, and most of all, fun. (Decluttering is good for you too!)
So let’s take a look at some effective and practical strategies to sort out these seizures. (If you like checklists, check out this post: Organizing Checklist)
How to get rid of clothes
Step 1: Clean and organize
The first thing you need to do to start organizing is get everything out. You might want to create three separate piles to categorize each item: a “Keep” pile, a “Maybe” pile, and a “Donate” pile. Alternatively, you can add a fourth “recycle” pile to items that are so worn out or have holes that they’re not worth donating.
You can also create subpiles for specific clothing and accessories, such as hats, shoes, T-shirts, and dresses. Displaying a variety of breakdowns like this is not only visually pleasing, but also helps you zero in on what areas of your closet need the most. concentration. It also helps when you get to the fun part of getting organized.
This first step is often the most difficult. If you find it difficult to say goodbye to most items right away, your “donation” pile may start a little lighter. But that’s okay. Because our next step will help us take off the rose-colored glasses and make classification decisions easier.
Step 2: Fashion show!
Our bodies inevitably change over time. What was a perfect fit a year ago may be a little too snug or a little too loose today. That’s why it’s so important to try on all your “have” and “maybe” items (of course, you can skip the items you’ve been wearing for the past few months).
When trying on clothes, please keep the following points in mind:
Is it perfect for me?
Do you like the way I look in this?
Do you like how you feel in this?
Is this my style?
How well can you incorporate this into the rest of your wardrobe?
Functionality: Will you wear this regularly or will it just sit in your closet? (This doesn’t apply to some seasonal items like snow boots)
If I were shopping right now, would I buy this?
Have you worn this in the last 12 months?
Step 3: What goes out doesn’t come back
Now that you know what’s left and what’s gone, it’s time to say goodbye to your old clothes. If the item is in better condition, you can try it on at a consignment store first and then sell it. And anything that isn’t accepted can be taken to your local donation center, like Goodwill or the Salvation Army. It might also be worth checking if you have a young family (not to be confused with “young family” lol) who might benefit from some hand-me-downs. But the important thing is that once those items leave your home, they don’t come back.
Related article: How to organize children’s clothes
Step 4: Be tough on yourself
Keeping your wardrobe organized requires ongoing maintenance. It’s a good idea to constantly re-evaluate your clothing needs throughout the year, not just at the change of seasons. Here are some additional tips for maintaining a simple and clean closet.
create a capsule wardrobe
A capsule wardrobe is an effective and minimalist approach to everyday grooming. They typically consist of 25 to 40 items and are very versatile and can be used in combination. Having such a minimal wardrobe will make your morning decisions less tiring and allow you to create a style that is streamlined and functional, yet unique and personalized. As you probably know, I have a lot of neutral colors. Black, navy, and jewel tones are my favorites and are easier to mix and match than many patterns.
hanger trick
You may have heard of this before, but it’s a great little way to keep track of what you’re wearing throughout the year. Simply turn the hangers so that they are all upside down. Then, once the item has been worn, simply put it back in the correct direction. Over time, you’ll be able to visually see what you’re wearing and what’s cluttered. You can also modify this strategy for clothing in your dresser. Instead of spinning hangers, you can simply fold your clothes and have them all facing you. Then when you put something on, turn it towards you.
shop with intention
The key to maintaining your wardrobe is to be precise about what you add to it. When you go shopping or look at clothes, one of the first questions you should ask is, “Do I need this?” Or do you just want it? ” A good rule of thumb is that there can be two types of similar clothing. One is basic and essential, the other is more statement-making. The third item could be somewhere in between, but anything more than that and you risk cluttering your closet again. Please also note that certain items may be excluded for very specific functions or seasons.
Something is in and something is out
If you want to be really strict about what you own, you can make a rule that every new item you add to your wardrobe has to come with something.
We all get sentimental about clothes, so organizing your wardrobe can be difficult and emotional at times, but it will ultimately bring peace and value to your life. A well-organized closet can save you a lot of unnecessary stress and bring new joy and a fresh perspective to the clothes you wear. It also ensures that you wear your favorite clothes every day, and you can give old items a new home that someone else will love.
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Ready to move on to your next space? Check out these posts for tips on keeping your home organized.