Seasonal Heaven (guide for gardener)

Seasonal Heaven (guide for gardener)

There are many things that can be a gardener to help the bee flour from flourishing, from spring movement to breeding in the summer, breeding in our garden, and southern autumn.

If you want to know when to arrive in the spring, see the migration map of Heaven here.

Grow Humming Bird Garden

Summer and winter garden collage and ruby ​​throat hammingbird

Today, we are considering ways to support hawks throughout the season and share fascinating encounters.

Spring transition

Spring’s favorite milestone is a long -awaited return of the bee. After wintering in the south, they will fly thousands of miles to a wonderful northern journey by the end of winter and to some summer breeding areas in Canada and the United States. If you are lucky to live in one of these areas, you know what kind of sight they are.

I believe my first witness every year is a real sign that summer is approaching.

Their arrival timing is not due to calendar, but due to conditions and weather. On the way, they need (most) freezing temperature and appropriate food and shelters in the rest area. Arashi, the wildfire, and the unusual temperature may delay things, but eventually they come back like a monarch’s butterfly.

The journey is even more noticeable, given that each other, led by some native GPS systems that we rarely know, fly solo.

When they arrive in your garden, they may be different for several weeks every year. In my place, it is always from early April to mid -May.

The map on this page is very useful for knowing that the arrival time is close to the current calendar year.

A transition map of the Spring Heaven in the United States and Canada.A transition map of the Spring Heaven in the United States and Canada.

Hummingbird feeder

The first arrival is imminent, so it’s time to clean and fill the Hummingbird Feeder.

There are many types of hover feeders, but we recommend this kind of thing. This style is easy to clean and offers a place to sit while feeding the hammer without wasting feed. They don’t need to hover during feeding, as they need all the energy that can be obtained for survival.

The sugar water in the feeder must be dyed without dyeing, and according to the recipe here, it is necessary to imitate the ratio of water naturally seen in the favorite honey flowers.

If there is a problem with the ants take over the feeder, buy an ant moat or make it yourself.

If the bee blows a festival around your feeder, it is a hint to deter them humanely.

To enjoy the Hummingbird activity (and playful!) Remote, consider obtaining a Hydrate feeder incorporating an automatic camera. You can use the phone app to save and enjoy the video.

Hummingbird feederHummingbird feeder

Recommended Humming Bird Fooder

Humming Bird Feeder | Amazon

I like this style feeder for some reasons. First, when a bird feeds, it provides a stopped tree. This is important, so we don’t waste energy. Cleaning is easy and helps prevent illness.

Food and habitat

In addition to providing feeders, the most important task is to provide appropriate natural food and habitat. This means to make a variety of choices of plants that do not contain pesticides (trees, shrubs, grapes, flowering, first grader plants), which contain pesticides (trees, shrubs, flowering, first -year plants), finding nests, finding honey. We will provide a place to do.

This guide to cultivate a garden -friendly garden is increasingly hints on plants and strategies.

Heaven that takes honey from flowers.Heaven that takes honey from flowers.

Attractive encounter

I have met a lot of unusual encounters with Heaven for many years, but I try not to be anthropomorphic (that is, I will return human shape and personality to something that is not a human). You can be fascinated from a human perspective.

In our previous garden, a beetle nested in a basket of a neighbor’s hanging flower near the entrance. There are countless times, I came to work in the front yard. This bee probably approached me from 18 inches from my face, just looking at me. These encounters last 10-20-30 seconds. It never contained food (or filler feeder) -it seemed really curious. I’ve heard that other gardens mention similar experiences. After reading how dangerous their survival is (they can’t afford to waste energy), it is difficult for them to harmonize the reasons they do this (for all the energy is basically survival. When you need to enter), it’s very magical from a human perspective. In the first spring of my current house, I wanted to know if I had moved to a breeding ground in the summer. While I was full of hope, I had to be disappointed that I might be doing gardening without a bee.

Imagine my shock and surprise when my first witness was not only one hummingbie but also tens of people. I lost the count at 30! This may sound on a daily basis for those who live in a warm climate where many people are conspicuous, but this is not expected.

First of all, instead of traveling here, they travel solo instead, so it was accidental to choose many people resting in the same place (my garden) that day. Furthermore, when the summer breeding place is determined, the bee is very territorial. If there are multiple men in the garden, you can confirm that the tracking will continue! This unusual witness of a very large number of hummingl in one place distorted my expectations. Will this be the garden they gather in the group? But, otherwise, I had never seen more than a few in the garden, except for witnessing one day. And it always ends in the tracking scene.

One of the things that we have been consistently from our old garden is how a bee is kept. It is not unusual to put one land on my sun hat and shoulder while I am working in the garden. I need to be standing a little, and one flies. When I move, they fly to a nearby branch, but if I’m still, they will remain. In addition, since it was carried to a shepherd hook, I landed on a fresh feeder. I am convinced that they will feed from the handheld feeder. Another fascinating experience was the summer when a bee fell in love with one of our cats. Just as various beings were hovered near me, there was one Heavenly cats that seemed to be floating in our cats to see them. The cat was safe in a screening patio, so there was no potential harm to birds, but my goodness was to witness this behavior every day. No matter where the cat is sleeping along the window, the bee approaches the screen and hover. The cat was definitely an unilateral relationship, as he had little aware of it (and there was no hunting instinct).

A cat looking at the Hummingbird in the garden.A cat looking at the Hummingbird in the garden.

Autumn transition

When the day became shorter and the temperature dropped, it came when the bee heading to the winter house. Spring transition is quite easy to track based on our first witness, but you can’t know exactly when to leave in the fall. We finally realized that it was many days since the last witness.

It doesn’t seem to be a problem if you are worried about maintaining the feeder and hindering autumn movement. Survey shows that it is useful to leave when the time is correct, and to have extra energy from the sugar water feeder.

There is always a stragler report, but most Hummer headed for a warm climate in the fall, staying in various areas in the southern United States, Mexico, and Central America, and traveling north again.

The transition map of the fall of Heave in the United States and Canada.The transition map of the fall of Heave in the United States and Canada.


empress of DIRT

Heaven food recipes and care hints

Ruby throat hatidori flying toward sugar water feeders.Ruby throat hatidori flying toward sugar water feeders.

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Heavenly feeder with automatic camera

Fooder HeavenFooder Heaven

Netvue Birdfy Hummingbird Feeder camera has a solar panel

High -resolution photos and videos 24 hours a day, a cloud storage or an integrated phone app for notifications stored in SD cards identify more than 150 bees.

~ Melissa Empress of dirt


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