5 practical tips to overcome pressure to do more
“In the midst of movement and chaos, maintain stillness within yourself.” ~Deepak Chopra There was a time in my life when chaos seemed to prevail.
“In the midst of movement and chaos, maintain stillness within yourself.” ~Deepak Chopra There was a time in my life when chaos seemed to prevail.
Written by Leo Babauta Last year I turned 50…and I’ve been thinking more about aging than ever before. Admittedly, 50 is still quite young, but
anxiety. This is a feeling familiar to all of us, whether it suddenly appears before an important presentation or lingers during difficult times. But for
Image credit for Vogue Singapore @ Boo George I don’t know about you, but I’ve never felt so busy. As the years go by, we
Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD We all make thousands of decisions every day, both big and small. What should I eat for breakfast?
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