Omid Safi – Sufi Heart – Ep. 33 – When Religion Is Other
Exploring what it means to practice Islam in a world full of evil, Omid Safi shows how strange things can bring us back to God. Let me explain. Today’s podcast is brought to you by BetterHelp. Try online therapy today at and take a step toward becoming your best self. In this episode, Omid […]
Yes, Amazon’s ‘Egg White Facial’ is really good, says this celebrity esthetician
We may earn a commission from the links on this page. Each product featured has been vetted and selected by our editors. When Datamachine Spate released its Q4 TikTok consumer trend highlights earlier this week, there was one very creative and beautiful move that made the list. The term “egg white facial” took the top […]
‘Matrox’ Skye P. Marshall talks about Kathy Bates, working with Kiehl’s and love for LED masks
Skye P. Marshall, who finished second on the call sheet behind Kathy Bates on the CBS series “Matlock,” is having a great fall. Marshall, who plays Olympia, an important rainmaker with a thirst for justice at New York’s most prestigious law firm, is clearly thrilled with the success of the reboot, which has already been […]
Sensitive teeth? Try our Teeth Whitening Kit for a brighter smile without any discomfort
If the thought of whitening your teeth makes you wince at the thought of pain, don’t worry. Teeth whitening kits have evolved to include sensitive teeth so you can whiten them without any irritation. Today’s whitening products, such as teeth whitening kits, harness the natural power of gentle LED light to provide solutions that […]
Low Carb Keto Diet Intermittent Fasting Meal Plan Week 46
Easy low carb, keto and fasting meal plans! low carb keto diet meal plan The meals featured on my website and menu plans are family-friendly. If you’re on a low-carb or ketogenic diet alone, the meals here are made for you. All of these recipes use whole food ingredients and are easy to make on […]
5 Stoic and Zen practices I believe in
Written by Leo Babauta I believe that you can find as many powerful practices for change as you can. And the Stoic philosophers Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, and Seneca are great inspirations for me. I found that there is significant overlap between Stoicism and Zen Buddhism, even if there are some important differences. The overlap between […]
How to grow basil indoors all year round?
Nothing beats the smell of fresh basil growing in your kitchen. Add a handful to your salad, sprinkle over pasta, or add a little to your homemade sauce and it’s one of those herbs that instantly elevates your meal. But if you’ve ever tried growing basil outdoors, you know the struggle. Just when you get […]