A guided walking meditation to face uncertainty with compassion

A guided walking meditation to face uncertainty with compassion

Life is inherently changeable and uncertain, and our resilience depends on how we relate to that fact. Mindfulness doesn’t mean everything is fine or calm all the time. We strive for patience, clarity, and tact when needed.

No matter what we face, we can face uncertainty with compassion. This may look like carving out time to calm down before deciding what to do next. It takes work and discipline to find the balance between accepting what you can’t change and actively looking for where to put your efforts, rather than remaining trapped in reactions, anger, and fear.

The core of mindfulness means doing your best to move through your experiences, even crises, with both precision and compassion.

Take some time to explore that balance. The core of mindfulness means doing your best to navigate your experiences, even crises, with both precision and compassion.

A mindful walking practice to deal with uncertainty compassionately

1. When you start walking, focus on how it feels to walk. Notice the physical sensations of each step. Notice how your feet rise, your body weight shifts, and your feet return to the ground.

2. Each step can be labeled “Step”. Alternatively, you can count small steps (up to 10) and then start again.

3. Be aware of your mind’s tendency to add to your experience. It often complicates even the most difficult moments. Your mind may already be wandering into the future or past. If you find yourself thinking like this, take a step back.

4. And if you like, expand your awareness. Be aware of surrounding sounds. Notice the smells, textures, and sights in an effortless, balanced effort.

5. Immerse yourself in the physical sensations of walking, feeling strength and perhaps gratitude.

6. If your thoughts or emotions are interfering with your awareness or distracting you, see if you can practice letting go a little. Notice the feeling of being trapped or bound by your thoughts, and return to the immediate physical sensation of each step.

7. Notice those thoughts and bring your attention back to the physical sensations of your walk.

8. If necessary, spend the last few minutes of your practice focusing on kindness and compassion. You are not alone now. Everyone around the world is struggling to survive.

You are not alone now. Everyone around the world is struggling to survive.

9. So, as you walk, accept your reality, say to yourself: This is what it is for me right now. This is where I am, observing my emotional state, mental state, and thoughts.

10. And as you walk, wish yourself what you wish for your closest friends right now.

May you be happy and secure.

May you regain your determination and strength.

11. You can also expand on it if you feel comfortable. Imagine your family and friends doing the same.

May we all find resolution and peace.

May we all stay healthy and safe.

12. And if you meet other people or pass other houses as you walk, you can take a moment to offer the same wishes to strangers. No matter who we are or what our life experiences are, we all have struggles. So when you pass by other people or their homes, please pray for their safety.

May you find health and happiness.

13. As you conclude your formal mindfulness practice, expand your awareness to all beings everywhere, even those you find most difficult and difficult. Everyone, in some way, is motivated by the desire to be free from suffering, to be free from stress, to be healthy, to be happy.

May everyone around the world feel resilient, stay healthy, and find happiness.

Election day meditation

Follow Rhonda McGee’s guide through the STOP practice for focusing your mind. We encourage you to be kind to yourself, breathe consciously, and gently engage with the thoughts, emotions, and sensations that arise.
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Rhonda McGee November 5, 2024


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