A simple first step to forgive yourself

A simple first step to forgive yourself

Self-forgiveness. I won’t lie – that word intimidates me. I understand the benefits, but it seems very large and complicated. (blushing) It takes a lot of time and effort. And where do I start?

Thankfully, yoga has a place to start. It’s a small and very accessible step. It is called the heart chakra, or anahata chakra.

Rather than forgiving yourself through words, feelings, or explanations, yoga suggests starting with a simple image in your mind. Imagine that you have a blockage or blockage around your heart. This block is caused by all the moments and small and large turmoil that you have not forgiven yourself for. Yoga suggests continuing to imagine the blockage as a whole, rather than trying to loosen it.

It’s good to admit that you have a disability. Because that’s what’s stopping you from being open. When new experiences come along or new opportunities present themselves, you may not be open enough to accept them.

So what now?

One suggestion is to physically massage the blockage to loosen it. This can be done by placing your hands on your chest while walking outdoors in nature. Alternatively, you can do yoga poses that open and stretch your chest, such as cow pose. Physical activity activates your sympathetic nervous system, which puts your brain and body into repair mode.

Another suggestion is to close your eyes and breathe around them. Make sure you have space to move and move around. Try humming it and making it vibrate a little. Or chant “Om” or “Yam” (traditional yoga vibrations of the heart chakra). This stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, calms the mind, and lowers blood pressure.

Meditation and prayer are other methods. Close your eyes and imagine sweeping around that edge as if you were sweeping. Then move it and mentally push it outward, as if you are starting to get rid of it. Or imagine the opposite. Imagine cutting a hole and loosening it to allow light to pass through. Then make those holes bigger with the light you receive.

Doing a little bit of this every day is a simple and easy approach to self-forgiveness. After a while, you will probably feel the need to unravel some of the blocks through therapy. Alternatively, this slow and steady approach to the chakras may be enough to loosen and open them.

Either way, here’s the first step.

Until next time,



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