It’s time to restart your habits

tackle the task you've been avoiding for weeks

Written by Leo Babauta

Surprisingly, we are heading into fall and summer is coming to an end. The change of seasons is always a great time for reflection.

For me, summer often throws a wrench in my carefully planned routines and habits. Increased travel, visitors, outdoor activities…all of which can disrupt regularly scheduled programming.

And this is not a problem! That means once things start to calm down, you’ll have a chance to practice rebooting any habits or routines that have gone off track.

This is a skill. Restarting simply means going back to zero and embracing a beginner’s mind.

Today I want you to think about what has gone off track in your life. Exercise, healthy eating, waking up early, morning routine, meditation, journaling, writing, productivity, finances?

And let go of the guilt and judgment. Practice having grace for yourself. Practice understanding that you are always doing the best you can with your abilities on any given day. Practice forgiving yourself and letting go of what you think you should have done.

Then start again. Go back to ground zero and enjoy the beginning as much as you enjoy the middle and end. There is joy in this.

By the way, I’ll be hosting a live workshop on this topic for Fearless Living Academy members next Wednesday (September 11th) at 10am PT/1pm ET.

FLA Workshop: A Primer to Restart Your Habits

If you are interested, please join us at Fearless Living Academy. Workshop included. Additionally, you can work on your habits with my video courses on building habits in the community and FLA.

thank you. And I wish you all the best in this beautiful new season. 🌺


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