Talking about navigating a spiritual path, Jack explores enlightenment as true intimacy and shares how to do it. This is actually where we’re headed.
“This is where we are going, and what we seek does not exist in time.” – Jack Kornfield
In this episode, Jack carefully explores: Our idealistic/romantic conceptions of the spiritual path Consciousness, impermanence, and our relationship with human emotions The story of the wisdom of Jack’s master Thai meditation teacher, Ajahn Cha Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and the spiritual playground The Legend of Earth-building Perseverance along a progressive spiritual path Enlightenment as intimacy with all things Guided meditation practice to reflect on life, death, and good deeds Changing the world one small act of kindness at a time The beauty of ourselves Respecting kindness and goodness What are the characteristics of true compassion? Intimacy Recognizing and achieving one’s own spiritual maturity Living like a bodhisattva and “saving all beings” What It Really Means: Alchemizing extreme suffering, trauma, and grief into compassion, forgiveness, and service.
“Enlightenment is intimacy with what is here.” – Jack Kornfield
This sermon given at Spirit Rock Meditation Center on January 3, 1991 was originally published on DharmaSeed. About Jack Kornfield:
Jack Kornfield trained and studied as a monk in monasteries in Thailand, India, and Burma. A monk who studies under Buddhist master Ven. Ajahn Char and Ven. Mahasi Sayadaw. He has been teaching meditation internationally since 1974 and is one of the key teachers who introduced Buddhist mindfulness practices to the West. Along with fellow meditation teachers Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstein, Jack co-founded Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts and Spirit Rock Center in Woodacre, California. His books have been translated into 20 languages and sold more than 1 million copies.
Visit and sign up for his email teachings to stay up to date on the flow of Jack and his new Dharma offerings. Hear more from Jack: Tune in to Ep. Wisdom of the Heart 109: This too shall pass. Learn about living with peace of mind in episode 1. Check out episode 91 of Heart Wisdom. Wisdom of the Heart 90 Learn About Healing Through Loving Awareness Hear more from Jack Kornfield on how to open your heart, repair your heart, and bring joy Tune in to Episode 92 of Wisdom of the Heart. Check out the Wisdom of the Heart 102: Wisdom of People in the Know episode. Wisdom of the heart to gain wisdom about impermanence 1
Photo via Macro Viewpoint