How to set holiday boundaries

How to set holiday boundaries

We’re almost in the middle of the holiday season! Vacation is supposed to be time, but
We know that joy, goodwill, generally doing good things and feeling great are rare.
happen. We often feel stressed and overwhelmed. One way to change this
Around is setting boundaries. This section describes some of the types of boundaries you can set.
Your own sanity and the sanity of those around you that you model. And remember, this is
Types of self-care (especially those that doctors do not recommend for self-care)
on vacation)!

The border with food

Come on, it’s the holidays, so most of us can afford to splurge at least a little. (person who has
If you have food sensitivities, please ensure your own safety. ) Useful tips to prevent overeating
This means that you stop eating when you are full. I always visit my friend for Thanksgiving and she serves pork.
Board before dinner. I can’t seem to say no. By the time the main dish was served, I was already
Packed. I don’t recommend it. (I’ll try harder this year!) Focus more on eating whole, real food.
Eat foods (think protein and vegetables, especially those that are low in starch) and limit sweets and foods.
Other appetizers, cookies, brownies, etc. are usually plentiful. Usually a small taste is
sufficient! Or look to fresh fruits and vegetables as appetizers. Regarding non-alcoholic drinks,
Be careful not to consume sugary drinks. In fact, water is great and healthy.
drinks to be consumed. Food symbolizes celebration and relationships, but consider the following:
Stay healthy while enjoying your meals. And don’t forget to think about how you’re feeling beforehand
After eating a large meal, how long does it take before you feel okay or hungry again?

The border with alcohol

Assuming you don’t have a problem with drinking alcoholic beverages (if you do, leave it alone)
It’s probably safer and healthier for you to stay away from them and the people who provide them.
You can set limits on the number of alcoholic beverages you allow yourself. Let’s think about it
Whether you have to drive on your day off. Being healthy also means being safe. Some people rotate

alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. There must be someone there who isn’t drinking.
Who will drive you home (but this is no excuse for drinking too much)?

Boundaries with toxic families

Many of us have family members that we must meet during the holiday season. imagine
You yourself have a healthy and good family, but you had a toxic mother or father. it might mean you
I didn’t get what I was supposed to get during the holidays, during my formative years, and
What you actually got was negative and unhealthy. (I can totally relate to that too.)
In this scenario, it’s a good idea to set boundaries if you see these people on vacation.
they. You may need to come up with some rules for gatherings and communication.
These boundaries exist nicely, gently, and firmly. Tell your family that you have something to do.
Or you may choose not to spend the holidays together. At the same time, you can:
Respect other family members’ boundaries (unless it’s extremely unhealthy). What can be restricted is
The time you spend with them too. Doctors also recommend this.

Boundaries for parents of young children

There’s no doubt that young children are fun to be around, but they can also be just a few. setting
Healthy boundaries (eating, behavior, etc.) help everyone feel safe and in control.
Both mentally and emotionally. Don’t be afraid to say no! Some signs that healthy boundaries are not being maintained
“Present” means when you are feeling overwhelmed, resentful, and avoiding people or situations;
You may already feel burnt out. Learn how to build positive relationships (by the way,
Setting healthy boundaries is generally a good thing to do, especially before the holidays.
season. Remember, just as you feel anxious during the holiday season, your children may also feel anxious.
I feel the same way. If they seem more irritable, more attached, or detached, it could be because:
Signs your child needs attention. Here are some tips to avoid making your own schedule
Stay strong during the holidays. You and your child need time and space to relax and take care of yourself
yourself. Continue with your routine. Getting out of your normal routine during the holidays can be a trigger
Anxiety that everyone has. Try to maintain regular eating and sleeping habits as much as possible.

Finally, a word about body positivity, especially during the holidays. You can help yourself by
Listen to your tummy and don’t give in to the pressure to overeat. as we are
Under such great pressure, you risk insulting people by not eating homemade food.
Be generous and respectful to yourself as you share the goodies they bring.
There may be people around you who want to shame you for eating, but I ask you to do so.
Turn your back on them and love yourself no matter what. You deserve that much self-love.

And always remember: Knowledge is power – take control of your health!


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